Picking Out Our Fall Decor

Our original plan for this past weekend was to go apple picking on Sunday to celebrate the first weekend of fall. When we first made these plans it was supposed to be 70 degrees out which seemed like the perfect fall day for apple picking. As the weekend grew closer the forecast changed to 90 degrees. While we still could have gone it just didn’t seem like it would be the fun fall activity we had imagined in such hot weather. Instead we decided to go to a local market and pick out our fall décor.DSC_0833Cirian’s Farmers Market in Omaha is just a few blocks away from our house and I drive by everyday on my way home from work, admiring the beautiful flowers and plants they always have outside. (If you live in Omaha or are in the area you should definitely stop by and give them a visit!) We had stopped here last year for fall decor and I was anxious to go back this year! As soon as we walked in I was drawn to the “specialty” pumpkins with their unique colors and shapes. These have always been my favorite as I find them so uniquely beautiful. DSC_0834DSC_0840The market had bins filled with mini gourds, striped and white pumpkins and other fall goodies. It made me so happy to see all of the fall decor in endless rows. Also, how huge are these pumpkins below? Some of them came up to my knees! We didn’t take any home with us this time but they seemed like the perfect pumpkins for carving so we may be back to get a couple.DSC_0835The mums were beyond perfect. The bushes were in FULL bloom and in the absolute brightest and most magnificent colors I’ve ever seen. It’s a good thing we have a small front porch or I would have been determined to bring home several.DSC_0842DSC_0839DSC_0843 - Version 2After covering every corner of the market I settled on a few specialty pumpkins and smaller pumpkins for a tablescape I had in mind. I was so excited to get our fall décor picked out. Even though it was a hot and muggy day I was determined to get into the spirit of Fall and prepare for the beautiful season ahead! DSC_0844 - Version 2It was a very successful trip and I can’t wait to go back this Winter for Christmas and holiday décor!Check back in next week for a look at our front porch decorated for fall!

Shirt (similar here and here) | Jeans | Boots | Purse

Thank you to Cirian’s for helping us gather our fall décor and providing such a wonderful selection!

10 thoughts on “Picking Out Our Fall Decor

  1. What a beautiful market and great finds! I’ll look forward to seeing your front porch. We’ve had record heat near Chicago – 90 + temps for almost a week. I hope it cools off for you soon!

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