Sunday Mornings

Sundays are definitely my favorite day of the week for several reasons. This is the one day a week that Andrew and I really get any time together due to his busy schedule so we try to make the most of it and really enjoy the day together.DSC_0636.JPGCream Sweater & Riding Boots_0660While every Sunday is special and filled with quality time, this past Sunday seemed extra perfect. It was one of the first days that truly felt like fall with cloudy skies, a cool breeze and eventually rain.DSC_0672Sunday MorningCream Sweater & Riding Boots_0669We started our morning out walking through one of our favorite neighborhoods admiring all of the cute houses. We have both said that if we had to stay in Omaha after medical school this would be the neighborhood we would move to as it is filled with houses that have the style and charm we both love.Timber BrunchIMG_2779After spending sometime in the neighborhood we headed to brunch at Timber. We had recently been to Timber for dinner and discovered how wonderful it was so we were anxious to go back again. We sat down at a corner table by the window and settled in with coffee. As we browsed the menu and waited for our food it began to sprinkle.Timber Brunch_2781Timber Brunch_2780Timber Brunch_2785We enjoyed our breakfast with the rain pattering outside and by the time we headed home it was a full rainy day so we decided to switch back into comfy clothes and snuggle up to watch a few movies.

It is simple days and moments like this that make up for the stress and chaos encountered throughout the week. Having such a busy schedule has taught us to make the most of these little moments together and we definitely do.

Sweater| Jeans | Riding Boots

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