The Purpose of Living Taylored

I have always been interested in the blogging world and had toyed with blogging for years before I finally decided to really commit to it. There are several blogs that I read regularly and love, but when reading them I realized that I sometimes became envious of the picture perfect lifestyles that were being portrayed.


I found myself feeling like I needed the latest and greatest of everything and to constantly be traveling to all of these beautiful places. While there is nothing wrong with those lifestyles, especially if they have been worked for, it isn’t exactly realistic for everyone. Nor is everyone’s life picture perfect ALL the time.

Lately I have been feeling disappointed with what Living Taylored has become. I will admit that I got so caught up in seeing this blog grow that I strayed from what I truly wanted it to be. Yesterday I shared that I was struggling with my fear of the blog failing and being unsuccessful. I don’t want to let that fear keep me from creating and moving forward with Living Taylored.

I created Living Taylored hoping to share that a simple everyday lifestyle can be exciting and fun. I don’t need to be constantly setting off on European excursions, shopping designer clothes and wearing the seasons top trends. I want to share a true and honest lifestyle that makes the most of what I have. No amount of items and luxury is going to make me happy. I want to share a simple lifestyle and encourage others to implement the same.

I will be sharing more on this in the next few weeks and I hope to shift Living Taylored back to what I originally had in mind. Thanks for following along!

Photo: Original post here

20 thoughts on “The Purpose of Living Taylored

  1. It’s so easy to get caught up in perfectly curated content! Reality checks are always good. I think more people connect with authenticity, even though we all love pretty pictures.

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  2. You’re so inspiring Taylor! I love that you are really thinking about how you want to portray yourself and not being afraid to go against the status quo. That’s where true creative and genuine content begins and I know it will reach a lot of people’s hearts. Keep up the amazing work!

    Liked by 1 person

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