Spring Cleaning: The Forgotten Spots

I’m not really sure how “spring cleaning” began, but I will admit that I love it. I don’t only do a major cleaning purge in the Spring though. I like to do it seasonally or at least once in the Spring and once in the Fall. It is so refreshing to sort through everything and feel like you are starting fresh.

Because I genuinely enjoy cleaning and tidying I think of this as a “tackle the entire house” project. I know not everyone shares my affinity for cleaning and may avoid spring cleaning or just stick to the basics. My approach is more than just cleaning out my closet, tidying up and giving everything a “deeper” clean. However, there are a few places around the house not to forget! (I try to tackle these places at least once a season).

Spring Cleaning

Kitchen Pantry: The pantry can often be forgotten when it comes to cleaning out. We often think of these items as non-perishable so its easy to forget to sort through it, but those items do eventually expire. Even spices and grains have a shelf life and need to be replaced eventually. Toss anything expired and anything you know that you won’t use.

Electronics: The amount of useless documents and photos I have on my phone/computer is ridiculous. Downloads, bad photos, and old documents compile over time and I am never good about sorting through it all and getting rid of the useless. Don’t just sort through and delete, back up the important items for future use and clear off your hard drive of anything you don’t use regularly!

Medicine Cabinet: Just like the pantry, the items in your medicine cabinet do expire over time. Make-up, medicine, toiletries, etc. Sort through it all and get rid of the expired medicine, make-up and products that you don’t use, and any toiletries over 9-12 months old. You will be amazed by how much extra space you’ll have after you sort through it all. Check out the Container Store for extra organizers for bathroom items!

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