A Month Without Make-up: 3 Things I Gained

March 14th marked one month without any makeup. One month without putting on any foundation, concealer, mineral powder… nothing.

I have to say, it felt great. A few weeks ago I shared a “Less Is More” post about make-up. I have never been a huge make-up person. Even when I did wear make-up it was usually just a little bit of cover up and mineral power and even then it wasn’t an every day occurrence.


So a month ago I got really sick of my skin not cooperating and breaking out and I decided I would take a break from make-up hoping that would help. I had no idea how long I would go without it or if it would even make a difference.

Now that a month has passed I can definitely say that going without make-up definitely did make a difference and in more ways that I expected. Not only did my skin feel healthier and cleaner, but I gained 3 other important things as well.

Confidence: I always thought wearing make-up made me more confident because I was covering up blemishes but it turns out no make-up gave me more confidence. When I would wear make-up I would be concerned if it looked ok, if I had any smudges or if it were wearing off revealing a bad breakout. Without make-up I know exactly how I look and I became less concerned about what was going on with my face.

Appreciation: When applying make-up it was common for me to focus on “problem areas” like a shiny forehead or a breakout on my chin. I was so focused on the self-proclaimed negative aspects of my face that I didn’t take time to notice the positive aspects of my skin and face. Going without make-up made me appreciate and notice the little things.

Respect: I originally decided to go without make-up to help clear up my skin. While it seemed to work a little in the beginning I really didn’t see any major differences. What I did learn though is that I really do need to pay more attention to how I treat my body. What I put on my face affects my skin just as much as what I put in my mouth. Not only have I learned to respect my skin more but my body as well. I am making it a new goal to take better care of my body and nourish it in ways that will help my skin, energy, and mood.

Honestly going without make-up was such a good choice for me. Since hitting my month mark I have worn make-up a few times but I have also become much more invested in skin care. Look for future posts on skin care tips and routines!

11 thoughts on “A Month Without Make-up: 3 Things I Gained

  1. Wow that’s so awesome that you went without makeup for a while! I personally love makeup and applying it, but I also give my skin a break on the weekends. I don’t wear a lot of makeup to begin with but my major focus is skincare. I completely agree that taking care of your body is so important. Thanks for sharing! xo Bryn http://www.waketonroad.com

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  2. I feel like this would be so hard to do! I do believe that we just get used to seeing ourselves made-up, and that if we saw our natural faces more often we wouldn’t feel so strange or uncomfortable. I’d love to try this, but I’m not sure I have the guts!

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